Saturday, December 24, 2022

what is 0145 military time in regular time?

Have you ever seen the time written as "0145" and wondered what time of day it is? If so, you are not alone! Many people are unfamiliar with military time and use regular "12-hour" time instead. Military time is a way of representing the 24-hour clock, which is used in air force, navy, and marine organizations.

When we use a 12-hour clock, we divide the day into two halves: 12 hours in the daytime and 12 hours at night. Military time, on the other hand, divides each 24 hour period into four blocks of six hours each. It also assigns numbers to each block—0000 for midnight (the start of the day), 0600 for 6:00 AM, 1200 for noon (the midpoint of the day), and 1800 for 6:00 PM (the end of daylight).

But what does 0145 mean in military time? 0145 refers to 1:45 AM on a 12-hours clock. To convert it to regular time simply add 12 hours to 0145 on a 24-hour clock. So 0145 in military time would be 1:45 PM on a regular clock.

It's important to remember that military personnel must use military time instead of regular 12-hour clock when indicating times for meetings or events that may involve personnel around the world. This helps keep everything organized and prevents any confusion due to different local times zones or Daylight Savings Time changes.

When using military time there are no periods or colons separating the numbers. Instead words like "oh" and "hundred" are used in place of punctuation. So 0100 in military-speak would be said as "Oh one hundred" or simply "Zero one hundred" for short. Likewise 0145 would be pronounced "Oh one forty-five" or "Zero one forty five."

See more about 0145 military time regular clock

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